symmetric part

英 [sɪ'metrɪk pɑːt] 美 [sɪ'metrɪk pɑːrt]

网络  对称部分; 对称部件



  1. The contractive rates on both sides in symmetric part were basically of the same for horizontal pouring while of extreme difference for vertical pouring.
  2. The central control room and workshop office are of East-West symmetric arrangement, the workshop office is located at the west part of the building, and the central control room is located at the east part of it, which are closely linked and interdependent.
  3. The less-sheared regions caused by friction resistance are observed at lower and top parts, which are symmetric and gradually extend to the inner part along the sample longness.
  4. Inexact newton-splitting methods for non-symmetric nonlinear problems with a dominant symmetric part
  5. Interactions between Symmetric Disturbance and Zonally Basic Flow Part II: The Development and Dispersion of the Viscosity Wave Packet
  6. Criteria for generalized symmetric matrices ( part ⅱ)
  7. Inexact Newton-Krylov subspace methods for the non-symmetric problems with a dominant symmetric part are studied in this paper.
  8. The zeroth-order nuclear potential is taken tobe Woods-Saxon potential. The non-spherical symmetric part V_1 of the nuclear potential induced by the vibration of the target nucleus is considered as a perturbation.
  9. In the case where the deformations of rotational shells are axially symmetric, the set of equations reduces to a second-order differential equation directly by introducing the complex variable, of which the real part represents the angle by which an element of the meridian rotates.
  10. Through H ( A), the symmetric part of matrix A, a class of stable part system is studied by employing Lyapunov stable theory, LMI and matrix theory. A sufficient condition for absolute part stable systems is given.
  11. Specifically, the non-symmetric dynamic coefficient matrices are first decomposed into symmetric and skew symmetric parts and the physical significance of each part is discussed.
  12. It is usual way in treating quantum many-body problem to get the symmetric part of the wave function from an asymmetric trial wave function by using projection operators.
  13. This approach is successfully applied to general symmetric Markov processes, and also shows clearly the connection between part one and part four.